

Panda Bear | Person Pitch
What if some of the Beach Boys were on drugs when they made Pet Sounds? Wait a second... OK, pretend Brian Wilson was really mentally imbalanced while -- hang on, that doesn't work either. But you get the point -- Panda Bear (a.k.a. Noah Lennox) is a big fan of the Beach Boys. On Person Pitch, he aspires to be something of a bizarro Boy, emulating and exacerbating their wall of sound and pairing sweet melodies about good times with weird electro-industrial loops. "I'm Not," with its watery Gregorian chant, is especially pretty. - Rachel Devitt
     file under: sonic freakout alert. - TK

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Neil Young | Live At Massey Hall 1971
Any true Neil Young fan has already seen that jaw-dropping BBC footage of him performing acoustic on February 23, 1971. This monumental performance (from his second vault offering) predated that one by just over a month. Recorded on January 19, Young test-drives newly written songs like "Tell Me Why," "Old Man" and the ever creepy "A Man Needs A Maid" (with different lyrics bleeding into "Heart Of Gold"), as well as songs that would eventually become Harvest. Other rare gems include "Bad Fog of Loneliness" and "Dance Dance Dance" which was the blueprint for "Love Is A Rose." - Eric Shea

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