

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists | Shake the Sheets
Upon first listen, this is Ted Leo in his most basic, punk-driven form. Keep listening and you'll hear that hybrid of great lyricism, bitchy punk, and optomistically soulful pub-rock. This album has an election year politically-tinged theme to it in more than a few songs, like the "people waiting for the next excuse for war" in "Bleeding Powers". "Counting Down the Hours" is a perfect mixture of The Jam and Thin Lizzy. The album is really catchy, and combine that with smart anti-partisan lyrics, and we've got a power trio masterpiece. ~TK and Jon P.

Ted - how the fuck did it take you this long to get into Ted Leo? His name is Ted too and he's from New Jersey like you. Do you live in a cave? Get with the program if you're going to be an indie rocker at Real! ;-)
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