

Ratatat | Classics
Ratatat is coming to SF! Can you rock it on a Monday night? If so, do yourself a favor and meet me at the Great American on the 18th! Yes, every cool band seems to be a duo right now, but this one will blow your mind. Flavorpill writes, "Brooklyn duo Ratatat garnered well-deserved hype for their eponymous debut album, but no one was sure how they would top those soaring tracks...Fortunately, the boys hitched up their pants and turned the dial to "epic": their latest is a hazy mirage of unabashedly anthemic tunes, with acoustic and slide guitar, cello, and what we swear are harmonizing buzz saws swimming amid dizzying, layered atmospherics." True dat, the record is kinda great, and it's about time these Brooklyn electrohipsters came to the west coast. Let's turn it out on Monday and maybe next time they return on a weekend for a blowout. - TK
One Track Recommendation: "Wildcat" Grrrrrr!

OK, so this show was super sick, seriously one of the best nights of music all year. Ratatat is exactly the right mix of oozing guitar, dope beats and percussive melodies. Selling out the Great American, with 600 kids screaming RAT-A-TAT on a Monday night is very impressive to me. "Seventeen Years" encore brought the house down. I bought not one, but two, RATATAT foam fingers and waved 'em in the air like I just didn't care. Need to have a party with this band as the house DJ.
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